CSAK-against child sexual abuse

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first-person account of the experience as victim of child sexual abuse by Nia

We stand against Children Sexual Abuse

Child Abuse Reports

We take in Child Abuse Reports

Empowerment Against Abuse

Child Empowerment against abuse

What We Do

We are CSAK, a dynamic, child-oriented Association working for a great environment for children of all walks of life

CSAK children of all walks of life

We have come to understand that different children face different challenges. We have worked out to ensure that children, poor or otherwise have a fair treatment from society to get them all the chances of a good quality life.

csak healthy engagements
Healthy Engagements

CSAK support
Dedicated Giving

csak: Resource mobilization
Resource Mobilization

csak: policing engagement
Policing Engagement

Upcoming Events

Direct Sharing

Sharing is Caring

We mobilize resources not as resources, but as givers to the appropriate target recipients in the most necessary way. Could be direct to target children, support groups or other partner organizations

We Offer Total Intervention to Save Children Souls


Making the world a better place

The Challenges never end; The struggle never stops. They are new every morning and CSAK is out for a better place for children

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