Latest Past Events

Tips for Safeguarding your Children at Home Webinar

As the end of the term approaches and schools prepare to close for the holiday, ensuring the safety and well-being of our children becomes even more crucial. That’s why we at Bridge, as part of the founding members of the Child Safeguarding Association of Kenya, are proud to invite you to participate in an insightful Zoom webinar titled “Tips for Safeguarding your Children at home.”

CSAK Launch

Join us for the groundbreaking launch of the Child Safeguarding Association of Kenya (CSAK) on January 31, 2024. This momentous occasion marks a significant step towards creating safe and healthy communities free from child abuse.

massive social media sensitization

Nyeri 09700 Mwigororia, Nyeri

CSAK is committed to helping all kinds of children achieve the best from the society. To do this it needs to reach a wide network of children and other players […]
